The ILEETA Learning Lab

07: ILEETA Learning Lab: Transforming Police Culture with Frank Trammer

ILEETA Season 1 Episode 7

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Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Introduction to Police Culture:
    • Importance and definition of police culture.
    • Need for transformation within law enforcement.
  2. Five Major Obstacles in Police Culture:
    • Void of Quality Leadership: Impact of poor leadership and the need for servant leadership.
    • Anti-Intellectualism: Importance of continuous professional development and creating learning organizations.
    • Discourtesy: Addressing respect and communication issues both internally and externally.
    • Overreliance on Tactics: Balancing tactical training with problem-solving, decision-making, and communication.
    • Corruption of the Heart: Maintaining officers' purpose and passion for their work.
  3. Creating a Culture of Leadership:
    • John Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership.
    • Importance of relationships, competence, and people development in leadership.
  4. Developing Learning Organizations:
    • Continuous, lifelong learning beyond mandatory training.
    • Investing in officers’ education and training to improve performance and community relations.
  5. Addressing Discourtesy and Building Respect:
    • Hiring motivated individuals who value service.
    • Implementing internal practices of police legitimacy and procedural justice.
  6. Investing in Training and Development:
    • Significance of field training officers (FTOs) and trainers in shaping organizational culture.
    • Providing leadership training throughout officers' careers, starting from the academy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transforming police culture requires a shift in leadership practices, continuous learning, and respect within the organization and the community.
  • Leadership training should start at the academy and continue throughout an officer's career.
  • Investing in motivated individuals and providing proper training can foster a positive police culture.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Book: Arrested Development by David Cooper
  • Book: Dying for a Paycheck by Jeffrey Pfeffer
  • Book: It’s the Manager by Gallup
  • Book: Leadership Lessons from a UPS Driver by Ron Wallace
  • Book: Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
  • Program: Guardians Path by Guardian Leadership

Contact Information:

  • Frank Trammer:
  • Guardian Leadership Website:
  • ILEETA Membership Information: ILEETA Membership
  • Director of Operations, Jenny Merlin:

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